Tales of Graces F has a new combat mechanic, accelerate mode, that gives each character unique buffs for a set period of time. Here’s what accelerate mode does for each character.
Asbel – He gets surrounded by flames, an attack boost, and can hit knocked down enemies.
Sophie – CC recovery rate is doubled, instantly moves when doing a front step, attack power up.
Richard – the time to cast spells is cut in half.
Hubert – his weapon transforms into a bow and arrow.
Cheria – freezes time.
Malik – nearby attacks get a boost.
Pascal – gets a “steel body” and nearby allies take half damage.
The Tales of Graces F demo, which has been delayed from this month to early October, will let fans sample this system. Another battle tweak lets players assign artes to the right analog stick.
Tales of Graces F also has new dungeons, like Paradise of the Underworld (top) and the Chemical Lab (bottom). The Paradise of the Underworld stage will be in the demo.
Notice any new enemies in the screenshot above? Namco Bandai made new monsters for The Lineage to the Future epilogue episode. Tales of Graces F comes out on December 2nd in Japan.