Friday, September 3, 2010

Pokemon Black & White : Five Levels Pokemon Must Gain to Evolve

Like the franchise's adorable little critters, the Pokemon series has evolved with each game – but at a much slower pace than one would hope. For a series that is over 10 years old, it seems as if each release brings minimal changes at best.  Nintendo has managed to cram in more Pokemon with every new title but has done nothing to revamp and innovate this popular franchise. It might sound absurd, but Pokemon has so much hidden potential that to watch this loveable series continue down its path of mediocrity is truly upsetting. ThePokemon series is in dire need of a major change and with Pokemon Black & White, Game Freak seems to be on the right track. We know that these two titles will come packed with more Pokemon than ever before, feature an updated visual style with 3D capabilties, fresh multiplayer aspects, and the ability to transfer classic Pokemon creatures by means of thePokeShifter. And while it's a good place to start, is it enough to revitalize this stale franchise?  And what must this franchise do in order to win over the hearts of gamers all over again?

1.) Pokemon needs to stop hiding its true colors.
Whether gamers realize it or not, Pokemon is competitive game. And those stats your fiesty critters have are not exactly random either.  Pokemon stats are controlled with IV's (Individual Values) and EV's (Effort Values). The ability to control and farm these values via the Pokemon Breeders is vital to raise a successful team. Catching Pokemon is no different. IV's are predetermined and EV's are obtained depending on which Pokemon you are battling with which can increase your overall stats. The franchise enjoys playing coy with this fact  by giving you items like the "Macho Brace" or by having  a judge  shed a bit of light on your Pokemon's potential, but it is never goes into the nitty gritty of your Pokemon. The Pokemonfranchise must embrace its competitive side in order to bring out the true nature of the series. And Gym Leaders should really have Superior Pokemon so players won't be able to beat the ever living snot out of them with average, run of the mill Pokemon.

2.) Pokemon needs a console release.
This would serve almost as a base for the series, a hub for the distintive handheld versions to congregate. It would provide a means for gamers to fight regardless of what version of  Pokemon is in their possession. It would also be much more visually appealing than watching a bunch sprites go at it.

3.) The game needs to train you.
It bears repeating: Gym Leaders need Superior Pokemon if they are ever want to present any sort of real challenge.  Ideally, a Gym Leader's  Pokemon should have stellar IV's and be EV trained accordingly to their level.  And how is it that regardless of which Pokemon type is brought into battle (whether it be a sweeper, tank, phazer, etc.),  the opposing player just goes on the offensive?  Where is the strategy?  Battles should be more than mindless button-mashing while waiting for a fight to end. Use your noggin, trainers!

4.) Variety is the spice of Pokemon.
I'm just going to say it: Game Freak has been lazy when it comes to its Legendary Pokemon. The majority of the Legendary Pokemon are nothing but dragons. Aren't there other mythological creatures Game Freak could look to for inspiration? Make these creatures more varied and interesting so when players go after them, it will be far more rewarding.

5.) Make the Legendary Pokemon hard to get.
As it stands, almost every Legendary Pokemon is obtained through natural progression of the game's story.  While these awesome beasts should no doubt be a part of anyPokemon narrative, they should only be availible to that special type of gamer who is willing to do the work and put in some serious game time by completing side quests, capturing and leveling specific Pokemon, and other required objectives before the Legendary Pokemon become available. They shouldn't just come naturally to the player it makes the game far too simple.
With a these simple suggestions, Pokemon could easily be turned into the monstrous trend it once was during its early years of Red and Blue. The series has plenty of life left in it but just like any long running franchise, Pokemon needs to reinvent itself so that it may reintroduce the world to the addicting gameplay that sparked a craze and inspired a global frenzy to catch them all.
