Thursday, September 9, 2010

Final Etrian Odyssey III Video Warns of the Dreaded F.O.E.

Etrian Odyssey III logo
What does “F.O.E.” stand for, you ask? Something pretty fancy, but the three letters combined also paint the picture – a foe, enemy, bad guy. Except, in this case, it is an uber-powerful, super-duper nemesis called Formido Oppugnatura Exsequens. It is Latin, and means something like “nature’s terrible and ancient warriors”. That description is pretty spot-on.
The video does some warning and some explaining about what to do and/or expect when you encounter one of these bad dudes while exploring the Labyrinth. Hit the jump to check out the video. Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City is only a couple short weeks away, arriving on September 21, 2010.
