Friday, September 3, 2010

DeathSpank Thongs of Virtue Story Trailer Released

If you haven’t heard yet, DeathSpank is one heck of a downloadable title featuring the action-oriented role playing style of games like Fable or Diablo and contains a decent amount of quests, unique and interesting weapons, and outlandish humor. You can check out our interview with Hothead Gamespertaining including talk of a weapon so awesome it had to be cut from the final build for further testing towards a future release.
Now a sequel is heading to PSN and Xbox Live called DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue have been assembled to make the world a better place, each with a virtue of its own (for example the Thong of Justice) but when these thongs became a source of evil instead of good, it’s up to DeathSpank to recover these thongs which have corrupted those who were entrusted to be heroic icons of the world. Check out the trailer after the break revealing the story in detail and showing game-play of the upcoming downloadable sequel.
