DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, the sequel to DeathSpank, is hitting hard on PSN and XBLA September 21st and 22nd respectively and will bring a new chapter to the franchise originally envisioned by the man behind Maniac Mansion, Ron Gilbert himself. For those who don’t know, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtueis an Action RPG offering up a twist on the off-the-wall formula found in the humorous Monkey Islandseries.
Though Gilbert has parted ways with Hothead Games you can still expect the same quirky style, weaponry, and characters. Expect more of a sci-fi theme as well as an extended armory forDeathSpank as he attempts to track down the thongs that the world’s future now rides upon. Don’t forget to check out the story mode trailer which will break down what exactly is going on in this title and why DeathSpank is back on his job once again so soon.
Today Hothead Games and EA bring forth for your gamer pleasure a boat load of character profiles depicting everyone from Green Aliens, Commandorque the monocle wearing overlord of DeathSpank’s imprisonment, to DeathSpank’s latest supporter Steve who was apparently brought up by a clan of ninjas and enjoys riding on a beastly unicorn with a golden horn. Check out the full character profiles after the break. Oh, and don’t let Ms. Tome catch you peaking at these naughty graphic pieces, she just may throw a fit!