Director Takahashi said selecting characters is a dilemma because the team can’t include everyone. He thinks it’s impossible to avoid complainants so he wants to be clear about how he selected characters. Takahashi chose characters that had an their own feel during battle and were popular Final Fantasy fans.
Every character has three outfits: standard, another, and a 3P color. The downloadable costumes like Lightning’s Aya’s outfit are a fourth costume. Adding theKingdom Hearts Cloud costume was a lot of work. Nomura said the Kingdom Heartsteam was previously opposed to it, but decided to collaborate for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Takahashi said Cloud’s cool looking costume required extra bones to move the cape.
After Nomura suggested to Takahashi that he wanted battles to be more interesting, the team came up with the assist system. Players can call partner character to do brave damaging and HP damaging attacks in Dissidia 012[duodecim]. Takahashi says this system gives players more options plus makes battles look more lively.
Development of Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy started in August 2009, beforeDissidia Final Fantasy: Universal Tuning was released. The international version ofDissidia: Final Fantasy came out last November. Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy will support data importing from both games.
Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy tells the story of the 12th war between Chaos and Cosmos. The previous game focused on the 13th battle.