Monday, August 2, 2010

Ys Seven Launches On August 17

Ys Seven is only two weeks away. Xseed announced August 17 as the game’s release date for retail stores and PlayStation Network.

The story begins with Adol Christin and Dogi arriving in Altago… before going to jail. After King Kiemarl Ednas releases the adventurers, Adol is sent on a quest to awaken five dragons to save the world. Unlike other Ysgames, Falcom built this specifically for the PSP and created a new battle system

Ys Seven costs $29.99, but fans might want to check out the limited edition and its massive cloth map for $49.99.

Ys: The Oath in Felghana, a remake of Ys III, is on deck now as the next Ys gamefrom the Xseed/Falcom partnership.

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