Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Molyneux: Fable 3 is my least gimmicky game

Admits he never really knows how good the game he's made is until he goes and buys a copy in store.
mse32009molyneux - Molyneux: Fable 3 is my least...
Fable III is shaping up rather nicely, but what does its creator Peter Molyneux think of his latest piece of work? Asked by VideoGamer.com at gamescom last week if he believed Fable's third outing to be his best game, Molyneux jokingly replied: "Just before it's launched. Of course."
He added: "The actual truth of the matter is I never know the game that I've truly made until the very end. Really, this is the way all games are developed.

"When you go into the bug fixing stage, which we are in now. Fable III went in to the bug fixing stage with 35,000 bugs. Now, that's an impossible number of bugs to fix. That means you have to cull some of those bugs and some of the things that you love you have to lose. At the moment it's got 43 bugs. Few, but we've got to add in all the multiplayer bugs now.
"I'm playing it every single day. I've played it a thousand times, but I've never really played it. It's not until that I walk into a shop and buy a copy and come back home that I really understand what the game is that I've made."
"I mean it is the funniest, the most dramatic, the most crafted, the least confusing, the least gimmicky game I've ever worked on for sure," he concluded before laughing and adding, "but I'll probably be slagging it off in two years time."
Fable III is scheduled for release on October 29, 2010 for Xbox 360. A PC version is also in development.
