Starting Up
From personal preference, I simply love using long swords in Demon’s Souls, consequently I found the best sword is the Blueblood Sword, the reason why I prefer this sword as it is a unique sword. It is unique in that Luck affects both the Physical and Magical Damage (VERY important). So if you have a high Luck stat (30+) then you’re pretty much on the way to owning. Not only that but it’s a fairly light sword which can be swung quite quickly and has a nice range, making it a perfect balance along with the advantage of the Luck factor.
What to Aim For
Name: (Whatever you want)
Gender: (Whatever again, it doesn’t affect character in terms of stats)
Origin: Wanderer (May vary between country versions)
FaceEd: (Whatever you want again)
Attribute | Start | Aim for |
Vitality | 10 | 27 |
Will | 10 | 15 |
Endurance | 11 | 30 |
Strength | 11 | 18 |
Dexterity | 15 | 18 |
Magic | 9 | 18 |
Faith | 7 | 18 |
Luck | 13 | 30+ |
Checklist of what you need to make the Blueblood Sword
• Broken Sword (Gained in 5-2)
• Pureblood Demon’s Souls (Maiden Astraea 5-3)
• Pureblood Demon’s Souls (Maiden Astraea 5-3)
Starting the game
Sadly I’m not going to guide you hand in hand through the game (Spoils the fun in my opinion) but as you gather Souls aim to get Strength, Dexterity and Faith all to 18. This ensures when you get the Blueblood Sword you can actual handle the damn thing!
I will however provide brief instructions on what to do in what order and what equipment to have handy.
1.Beat Phalanx (1-1) – Make sure you get the Cling Ring and Thief’s Ring
1.Beat Phalanx (1-1) – Make sure you get the Cling Ring and Thief’s Ring
2.Proceed to 4-1, defeat Adjudicator (Optional, suggest only with Blue Phantoms handy for new comers). Make sure you get the Compound-Long Bow and Regenerator Ring and Adjudicators Shield to save on Grass and Souls
3.Farm here in 4-1 or 4-2 if you unlocked the area for a while to buff up your Strength/Dexterity/Faith
4.Proceed to 5-1, stock up on Royal and Widow Lotus because you’re going to need them in 5-2 a lot. Defeat Leechmonger.
5.Make sure to have the Regenerator Ring and Adjudicator’s Shield equipped in 5-2, you’ll want to collect the Broken Sword, avoid contact with the Black Phantom nearby the Swamp. Finish up the area by killing the Dirty Colossus
6.Go back to 4-1/4-2 and carry on with some more farming, take out the Adjudicator now if you haven’t already, you should be more than ready now if your Strength/Dexterity/Faith is at 18. You could also head to 2-1 and 2-2 and beat the Demon’s here now rather than later, it’s down to preference though
7.Return to the Nexus, stock up on about 300 Arrows by buying them off Blacksmith Baldwin, you will then head to 5-3 to kill Maiden Astraea
8.When you’re in the large cave area of the final area of 5-3, head to the far right where there’s Depraved one’s and a Gecko hanging around and then snipe Maiden Astraea (She’ll be sitting on the far side talking to herself). Keep shooting her constantly, never stop to pause otherwise she’ll heal and you will have to start again
9.Once she’s dead, head down to collect her Soul, avoid Garl-Vinland (The big hunk of metal on the left of the area).
10. You’ve not got everything needed to craft the ultimate sword! One more thing though, you need to defeat 2-1 and 2-2 to give the Red Hot Demon’s Soul to Blacksmith Ed (2-1) to craft the weapon. After all the work done though you’ll be rewarded with the epic sword, and from there on it should be a breeze!
Depending on how much you spent farming, you should be around Soul Level 35-45 now, once you’ve raised Strength/Dexterity/Faith to 18, aim to raise in order; Endurance, Vitality, Will and Magic to the appropriate levels mentioned earlier. After that you’ll be on your way to spending every soul on Luckfrom there on, you’ll notice each increase your sword will suddenly slice through Demon’s at an alarming rate, and you’ll be able to follow through the rest of the first playthrough with ease!
Final Thoughts
It’s true that in my review I mentioned Demon’s Souls being hard, well with this set up it’s actually pretty easy with experience, I suggest you try playing through the game without any assistance from Blue Phantoms, otherwise you’ll ruin your own experience, I hope you enjoyed this guide as much as I enjoyed writing it, Good Luck!