Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Down for indefinite hiatus
School is getting very stressing and I have no time to update the blog anymore. Will try and eventually bring it back, I'm thinking about making it into an all gaming news site with the most important and interesting news but still with a big focus around RPGs. I'll be back don't worry just give me some time, PEACE!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tales Of Xillia Or Tales Of Faithus, Which One Is The Name Of The Next Tales Game?
Over in the Japanese trademark database,Namco Bandai filed five Tales of trademarks. They are: Tales of Faithus, Tales of Zestia, Tales of Xillia, and two katakana-sounding variations of it.
Since Namco Bandai trademarked variations of Xillia, we’re guessing that’s going to be the name of the next Tales game. But, out of the three Zestia, Faithus, and Xillia, which sounds the best/worse to you?
Fable 3 TV ad is a corker
Microsoft has unveiled Fable III's launch trailer - which doubles up as its US TV ad - and it's a corker.
Set to pumping Black Angels track, Young Men Dead, the ad shows a true spirit of revolution in Albion.
Fable III sees you take the lead in overthrowing the tyrant king Logan - and it's all in the video.
A statue of the previous regime is felled, war is fought on the streets, dignitaries are kidnapped. It's all gets a bit fighty.
More like this please, games people.
Set to pumping Black Angels track, Young Men Dead, the ad shows a true spirit of revolution in Albion.
Fable III sees you take the lead in overthrowing the tyrant king Logan - and it's all in the video.
A statue of the previous regime is felled, war is fought on the streets, dignitaries are kidnapped. It's all gets a bit fighty.
More like this please, games people.
Five Classic RPGs We'd Like to See Added to PSN
Alundra and Arc the Lad now available on PSN |
While all PS1 Final Fantasy titles (not including anthologies) have now made it onto the service, as well as big titles from the Wild Arms series, Grandia and Suikoden, there are still quite a few must-haves that have yet to find their way into this current generation of gamers' hearts.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tales of Graces F Limited Edition is Rather Unique
I’m a bit late on the draw with this one, but I thought this limited edition box for Tales of Graces F was pretty cool. In any event, my wife is huge on cool stationary, envelopes, fancy feathery pens and all that jazz, so maybe she’ll let me import it! Check out all the goodies it comes with.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Zenonia Gets Mini-zed For PlayStation 3 And PSP
Zenonia stars Regret (seriously, that’s his name) who can be an assassin, paladin, or a warrior. It’s possible to be a hero assassin since player choices determine whether Regret will fight for good or evil. In case you missed it, we posted a trailer with our coverage of Zenonia’s DSiWare port just a few weeks ago.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Classic RPGs Alundra And Arc The Lad Popping Up On PSN This Tuesday
He also confirmed Arc the Lad II for PlayStation Network, which will be released "in about a month, if the plan holds."
Regarding future RPG releases over PlayStation Network, Ireland said,
Ys: The Oath In Felghana Has 1,900 Lines Of Voice Acting
Being a re-imagining of Ys III: Wanderers of Ys, Ys: The Oath in Felghana looks considerably different from the side-scroller Falcom developed over twenty years ago. The PSP version, which Xseed has slated for the holidays in North America, is a bit different from the Japan-only PC release. Here’s a look at both platforms…
Sega Fire Off New Valkyria Chronicles 3 Screenshots
The Principality of Gallia in Valkyria Chronicles 3 is divided up into three sections: the regular Gallian army, the Volunteers who are called upon during emergencies, and Squad 422, AKA “The Nameless.”
Squad 422 consists of members of questionable backgrounds and it essentially a unit that performs “off-the-record” operations that the Gallian army cannot. Its members are known by numbers rather than by name. Valkyria 3′s primary protagonist, Kurt Irving, belongs to this group.
Watch The Final Fantasy Versus And Agito XIII Trailers From TGS
Next up on Square Enix’s list of Tokyo Game Show 2010 trailers is Fabula Nova Crystallis — or if you prefer, actual footage from Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Agito XIII.
Now Watch Kingdom Hearts Re:coded’s Secret Talk
What better way to start the day than with a glorious spoiler? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the “secret talk” from the end of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded that Square have been talking about lately.
How Star Wars: The Old Republic tackles the grind
Star Wars: The Old Republic systems director Damion Schubert hosted a panel at GDC Online 2010 this week about that excruciating aspect of gameplay known as "The Grind," which he defined as any time developers ask players to do something they don't enjoy in order to open up something that they willenjoy.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Square Enix Quickly Subtitles Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy TGS Trailer
Most likely, you’ve seen this Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy trailer before. The only major difference is this video, sent to us by Square Enix USA, has English subtitles. Watch it again if you missed out on what newcomers Kain and Lightning said before they jumped into fights with Chaos charcters.
Nintendo: “Dragon Quest Is Gradually Increasing Its Consumer Base”
Nintendo published Dragon Quest IX North America and Europe a few months ago in July. Since then, aside from initial sales numbers, we haven’t really heard much as to how it’s doing or what their goals for the title are. At a recent investor Q&A, Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, shed some light on the subject.
New Lord Of Arcana Videos Show Off Weapons And Moves
With Lord of Arcana releasing in Japan a week from now, Square Enix released two new gameplay videos showing off a couple of the weapons in the game against various badguys. These have yet to be uploaded to the game’s official website but Japanese site, Game Jouhou, got the first look:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tales Of The World: Radiant Mythology 3 Has New Gunman Job, 5 More Tales Guests
Shonen Jump also reports Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 includes five more Talescameos. Cheria Barnes (Graces), Meredy (Eternia), Raven (Vesperia), Jay (Legendia), and Ricardo Soldato (Innocence) are confirmed for the PSP game.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded European Release Date Leaked [Update]
Update: Square Enix just updated the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded site with the release date, January 14, 2011 for Europe. While the official page says its the same release date for North America too, games are usually not released on Fridays in the States and writing the date in the day-month format is quite uncommon.
January 14th, 2011. That’s when Square Enix are publishing Kingdom Hearts Re:coded in Europe, which they accidentally revealed via their Twitter. Shortly thereafter, they took the tweet down…but not before someone managed to retweet it.
Dragon Age 2 will import 'the world' from Dragon Age: Origins save
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
New Knights in the Nightmare Screens – We Have Them
Knights in the Nightmare is quickly approaching it’s release date for the PSP, which, I might add, looks a lot more awesome than the DS iteration that was released last year. That is pretty evident if you check out the screens I’ve stashed after the break. Don’t forget, as a pre-order bonus, Atlus is throwing in another game if you manage to get yourself a launch copy of Knights in the Nightmare – that would be Yggdra Union, another very niche, yet very awesome, PSP title that was ported over from another system (in this case, the Game Boy Advance). So, if you want two great RPGs for the price of one, you might want to keep that in mind! The game releases on November 9, 2010.
Open World vs Linear. Are We too Obsessed with Branching Paths?
Lightning's world. Too much like a corridor?
Final Fantasy XIII. What should of been Square Enix's first and incredibly successful foray into the next generation systems found itself instead completely bogged down by criticism about the game's linearity, so much so that a lot of critics marked it down, citing that it was far too linear for it's own good.
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